LEETCODE 1500. Design a File Sharing System 解题思路分析






请实现 FileSharing 类:

  • FileSharing(int m) 构造函数,构造一个拥有m个区块的FileSharing对象.
  • int join(int[] ownedChunks): 一名用户加入系统,他拥有文件的某些区块。系统将分配给该他一个用户id,须保证这个id是最小并且没有被其他用户所占用。函数返回值为该用户分配到的id
  • void leave(int userID): id为 userID 的用户退出系统后,你不能再通过该用户获得任何文件区块。
  • int[] request(int userID, int chunkID): id为userID 的用户请求id为chunkID的区块。请返回拥有该区块的用户id列表,并使用用户id对列表进行升序排列。


  • What happens if the system identifies the user by their IP address instead of their unique ID and users disconnect and connect from the system with the same IP?
  • If the users in the system join and leave the system frequently without requesting any chunks, will your solution still be efficient?
  • If all each user join the system one time, request all files and then leave, will your solution still be efficient?
  • If the system will be used to share n files where the ith file consists of m[i], what are the changes you have to do?


FileSharing fileSharing = new FileSharing(4); // We use the system to share a file of 4 chunks.
fileSharing.join([1, 2]);    // A user who has chunks [1,2] joined the system, assign id = 1 to them and return 1.
fileSharing.join([2, 3]);    // A user who has chunks [2,3] joined the system, assign id = 2 to them and return 2.
fileSharing.join([4]);       // A user who has chunk [4] joined the system, assign id = 3 to them and return 3.
fileSharing.request(1, 3);   // The user with id = 1 requested the third file chunk, as only the user with id = 2 has the file, return [2] . Notice that user 1 now has chunks [1,2,3].
fileSharing.request(2, 2);   // The user with id = 2 requested the second file chunk, users with ids [1,2] have this chunk, thus we return [1,2]. We don't care if the user has the file and request it, we just return all the users that can give them the file.
fileSharing.leave(1);        // The user with id = 1 left the system, all the file chunks with them are no longer available for other users.
fileSharing.request(2, 1);   // The user with id = 2 requested the first file chunk, no one in the system has this chunk, we return empty list [].
fileSharing.leave(2);        // The user with id = 2 left the system, all the file chunks with them are no longer available for other users.
fileSharing.join([]);        // A user who doesn't have any chunks joined the system, assign id = 1 to them and return 1. Notice that ids 1 and 2 are free and we can reuse them.


  • 1 <= m <= 10^5
  • 0 <= ownedChunks.length <= min(100, m)
  • 1 <= ownedChunks[i] <= m
  • Values of ownedChunks are unique.
  • 1 <= chunkID <= m
  • userID is guaranteed to be a user in the system if you assign the IDs correctly.
  • At most 10^4 calls will be made to join, leave and request.
  • Each call to leave will have a matching call for join.

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  1. 保证新用户的id一定是未使用id中最小的。
  2. 如何统计当前拥有每个区块的用户列表,并对他们进行排序。




FileSharing(int m):构造函数中不用做太多的工作,初始化一下上文提到的PriorityQueue和TreeMap即可。

int join(int[] ownedChunks):先查看PriorityQueue中是否存在可以复用的id,如果queue中元素个数大于0,poll出一个最小的作为当前用户的id。反之如果queue中没有元素,那么我们将当前自增id作为当前用户id,同时自增id加一。取得用户id后,我们使用用户id作为key,该用户拥有的区块列表作为value,将其存入TreeMap。

void leave(int userID):用户退出系统后,我们使用该用户id将TreeMap中对应的数据清空。同时将这个id添加进PriorityQueue中,等待被复用。

int[] request(int userID, int chunkID): 首先循环TreeMap中的每一个key(用户id),查看每一个用户的区块列表中是否包含目标区块id,如果包含,我们将当前用户id加入返回列表。循环结束后,由于key是自动排序过的,因此添加到列表中的元素也是被排序过的状态。另外如果列表不为空,说明当前用户可以得到该区块,我们需要将该区块添加到该用户的区块列表中。


Map<Integer,Set<Integer>> map; // 用户id,该用户拥有的区块列表
int uid=1; // 自增用户id
PriorityQueue<Integer> leavedIds; // 可复用的用户的id列表
public FileSharing(int m) {
    map=new TreeMap<>();
    leavedIds=new PriorityQueue<>();

public int join(List<Integer> ownedChunks) {
    int userID=uid; // 默认使用自增用户id
    // 如果复用列表不为空,优先使用服用列表中最小的
    if(leavedIds.size()>0) userID=leavedIds.poll();
    // 反之使用自增id,使用后id加一
    else uid++;
    // 将当前用户以及他拥有的区块列表存入map
    map.put(userID, new HashSet<>(ownedChunks));
    return userID;

public void leave(int userID) {
    map.remove(userID); // 从map中删除该用户信息
    leavedIds.offer(userID); // 将该用户id添加至可复用id的queue列表中

public List<Integer> request(int userID, int chunkID) {
    List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>(); // 返回结果
    for(int user : map.keySet()){ // 循环map中的key(用户id)
        // 如果当前用户拥有该区块,将该用户添加至返回结果
        if(map.get(user).contains(chunkID)) res.add(user);
    // 如果返回结果中元素个数大于0,
    // 说明userID这个用户可以得到chunkID这个区块
        // 将userID这个用户的区块列表中添加chunkID这个区块
        Set<Integer> set=map.get(userID);
    return res;


Runtime: 125 ms, faster than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Design a File Sharing System.

Memory Usage: 51.1 MB, less than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Design a File Sharing System.

本文链接: https://leetcode.jp/leetcode-1500-design-a-file-sharing-system-解题思路分析/
Categories: leetcode

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