LEETCODE 1236. Web Crawler 解题思路分析



Given a url startUrl and an interface HtmlParser, implement a web crawler to crawl all links that are under the same hostname as startUrl.

Return all urls obtained by your web crawler in any order.

Your crawler should:

  • Start from the page: startUrl
  • Call HtmlParser.getUrls(url) to get all urls from a webpage of given url.
  • Do not crawl the same link twice.
  • Explore only the links that are under the same hostname as startUrl.

As shown in the example url above, the hostname is example.org. For simplicity sake, you may assume all urls use http protocol without any port specified. For example, the urls http://leetcode.com/problems and http://leetcode.com/contest are under the same hostname, while urls http://example.org/test and http://example.com/abc are not under the same hostname.

The HtmlParser interface is defined as such:

interface HtmlParser {
  // Return a list of all urls from a webpage of given url.
  public List<String> getUrls(String url);

Below are two examples explaining the functionality of the problem, for custom testing purposes you’ll have three variables urls, edges and startUrl. Notice that you will only have access to startUrl in your code, while urls and edges are not directly accessible to you in code.

Example 1:

urls = [
edges = [[2,0],[2,1],[3,2],[3,1],[0,4]]
startUrl = "http://news.yahoo.com/news/topics/"
Output: [

Example 2:

urls = [
edges = [[0,2],[2,1],[3,2],[3,1],[3,0]]
startUrl = "http://news.google.com"
Output: ["http://news.google.com"]
Explanation: The startUrl links to all other pages that do not share the same hostname.


  • 1 <= urls.length <= 1000
  • 1 <= urls[i].length <= 300
  • startUrl is one of the urls.
  • Hostname label must be from 1 to 63 characters long, including the dots, may contain only the ASCII letters from ‘a’ to ‘z’, digits  from ‘0’ to ‘9’ and the hyphen-minus character (‘-‘).
  • The hostname may not start or end with the hyphen-minus character (‘-‘).
  • See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname#Restrictions_on_valid_hostnames
  • You may assume there’re no duplicates in url library.

如果想查看本题目是哪家公司的面试题,请参考以下免费链接: https://leetcode.jp/problemdetail.php?id=1236




Set<String> res = new HashSet<>(); // 返回结果
public List<String> crawl(String startUrl, HtmlParser htmlParser) {
    String host = getUrl(startUrl); // 取得域名
    res.add(startUrl); // 将startUrl添加至返回结果
    dfs(startUrl, host, htmlParser); // 开始dfs
    return new ArrayList<>(res);

void dfs(String startUrl, String host, HtmlParser htmlParser){
    // 取得当前页面包含的所有链接
    List<String> urls = htmlParser.getUrls(startUrl);
    // 通过每一个链接继续dfs
    for(String url : urls){
        // 如果该链接已经爬过或是与网站域名不一致时跳过
        // 将该链接加入返回结果
        // 继续dfs
        dfs(url, host, htmlParser);
public String getUrl(String url) {
    String[] args = url.split("/");
    return args[2];


Set<String> res = new HashSet<>(); // 返回结果
public List<String> crawl(String startUrl, HtmlParser htmlParser) {
    String host = getUrl(startUrl); // 取得域名
    Queue<String> q = new LinkedList<>(); // bfs用的queue
    res.add(startUrl); // 添加startUrl至返回结果
    q.offer(startUrl); // 添加startUrl至bfs的Queue
        String url = q.poll(); // 取得一个url
        // 查看当前url包含的所有链接
        List<String> urls = htmlParser.getUrls(url);
        for(String u : urls){ // 循环每一个链接
            // 如果该链接已经爬过或者不属于当前域名,跳过
            res.add(u); // 添加该链接至返回结果
            q.offer(u); // 添加该链接至bfs的Queue
    return new ArrayList<>(res);


Runtime: 8 ms, faster than 41.24% of Java online submissions for Web Crawler.

Memory Usage: 50.9 MB, less than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Web Crawler.

本文链接: https://leetcode.jp/leetcode-1236-web-crawler-解题思路分析/
Categories: leetcode

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    Мы являемся производителем непростых решений для индустриального парка оборудования.
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    Интернет магазин грузоподъемного парка оборудования выходит за пределы интернет-реализации и товаров по дисконтной цене, наша фирма может оказать консультации и дополнительно предоставить специализированные услуги на заказ.
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