You have N
bulbs in a row numbered from 1
to N
. Initially, all the bulbs are turned off. We turn on exactly one bulb everyday until all bulbs are on after N
You are given an array bulbs
of length N
where bulbs[i] = x
means that on the (i+1)th
day, we will turn on the bulb at position x
where i
is 0-indexed
and x
is 1-indexed.
Given an integer K
, find out the minimum day number such that there exists two turned on bulbs that have exactly K
bulbs between them that are all turned off.
If there isn’t such day, return -1
Example 1:
Input: bulbs: [1,3,2] K: 1 Output: 2 Explanation: On the first day: bulbs[0] = 1, first bulb is turned on: [1,0,0] On the second day: bulbs[1] = 3, third bulb is turned on: [1,0,1] On the third day: bulbs[2] = 2, second bulb is turned on: [1,1,1] We return 2 because on the second day, there were two on bulbs with one off bulb between them.
Example 2:
Input: bulbs: [1,2,3] K: 1 Output: -1
1 <= N <= 20000
1 <= bulbs[i] <= N
is a permutation of numbers from1
.0 <= K <= 20000
如果想查看本题目是哪家公司的面试题,请参考以下免费链接: https://leetcode.jp/problemdetail.php?id=683
首先,题目给出了一个数组 bulbs, bulbs[i]代表第i天打开的灯泡编号,我们可以将数组变换为days数组,days[i]代表,打开第2个灯的时间。来看一个例子,比如:
bulbs: [1,3,4,2]
days: [1,4,2,3]
我们可以定义一个区间,区间长度为k+2,其中k为题目给出的区间长度,该区间内的灯都是关闭状态,另外我们在这个区间两端加上两个端点,这两个端点的灯必须是点亮状态,也就是说,这个 k+2 区间内的灯泡等点亮顺序是,先点亮两个端点,然后再点亮中间的部分。再换句话说,中间部分的点亮时间要晚于两个端点,即在days数组中,中间部分的值应该大于两个端点。因此,当满足该点亮顺序时,该区间为一个合理区间,两个端点后点亮的时间是一个返回结果的候选值。我们用它来更新全局最小值即可。
public int kEmptySlots(int[] bulbs, int K) { // 将bulbs转为days数组 // days[i]代表第i个灯泡点亮的时间 int[] days = new int[bulbs.length]; for(int i=0;i<bulbs.length;i++){ days[bulbs[i]-1]=i+1; } // 返回结果 int res=Integer.MAX_VALUE; // 区间左右端点 int left=0,right=K+1; for(int i=0;right<days.length;i++){ // 如果当前下标等于右端点 // 说明当前区间为合理区间 if(i==right){ // 两端点最大值为合理解, // 利用该解更新全局最小值 res=Math.min(res,Math.max(days[left],days[right])); left=i; // 更新左区间为i right=left+K+1; // 更新右区间 continue; } // 如果当前下标的值小于两端点的值,说明该区间非法 if(days[i]<days[left]||days[i]<days[right]){ left=i; // 更新左区间为i right=left+K+1; // 更新右区间 continue; } } if(res==Integer.MAX_VALUE) return -1; return res; }
Runtime: 5 ms, faster than 94.01% of Java online submissions for K Empty Slots.
Memory Usage: 45.2 MB, less than 84.21% of Java online submissions for K Empty Slots.
本解法中使用到的二分查找思路属于我们之前讲过的 LEETCODE常见算法之二分查找超详细白话讲解 中第五种情况,对于二分查找不熟悉的话,强烈建议查看一下这篇文章。
public int kEmptySlots(int[] bulbs, int K) { List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0;i<bulbs.length;i++){ int index=binarySearch(list, bulbs[i]); if(index>0){ if(bulbs[i]-list.get(index-1)-1==K){ return i+1; } } if(index<list.size()){ if(list.get(index)-bulbs[i]-1==K){ return i+1; } } list.add(index,bulbs[i]); } return -1; } int binarySearch(List<Integer> list, int bulb){ int low=0; int high=list.size()-1; while(low<=high){ int mid=(low+high)/2; if(list.get(mid)>bulb){ high=mid-1; }else{ low=mid+1; } } return low; }
Runtime: 73 ms, faster than 13.80% of Java online submissions for K Empty Slots.
Memory Usage: 47.3 MB, less than 57.89% of Java online submissions for K Empty Slots.
本文链接: http://leetcode.jp/leetcode-683-k-empty-slots-解题思路分析/
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