LEETCODE 1485. Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer 解题思路分析



A binary tree is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the tree or null.

Return a deep copy of the tree.

The tree is represented in the same input/output way as normal binary trees where each node is represented as a pair of [val, random_index] where:

  • val: an integer representing Node.val
  • random_index: the index of the node (in the input) where the random pointer points to, or null if it does not point to any node.

You will be given the tree in class Node and you should return the cloned tree in class NodeCopy. NodeCopy class is just a clone of Node class with the same attributes and constructors.

Example 1:

Input: root = [[1,null],null,[4,3],[7,0]]
Output: [[1,null],null,[4,3],[7,0]]
Explanation: The original binary tree is [1,null,4,7].
The random pointer of node one is null, so it is represented as [1, null].
The random pointer of node 4 is node 7, so it is represented as [4, 3] where 3 is the index of node 7 in the array representing the tree.
The random pointer of node 7 is node 1, so it is represented as [7, 0] where 0 is the index of node 1 in the array representing the tree.

Example 2:

Input: root = [[1,4],null,[1,0],null,[1,5],[1,5]]
Output: [[1,4],null,[1,0],null,[1,5],[1,5]]
Explanation: The random pointer of a node can be the node itself.

Example 3:

Input: root = [[1,6],[2,5],[3,4],[4,3],[5,2],[6,1],[7,0]]
Output: [[1,6],[2,5],[3,4],[4,3],[5,2],[6,1],[7,0]]

Example 4:

Input: root = []
Output: []

Example 5:

Input: root = [[1,null],null,[2,null],null,[1,null]]
Output: [[1,null],null,[2,null],null,[1,null]]


  • The number of nodes in the tree is in the range [0, 1000].
  • Each node’s value is between [1, 10^6].

如果想查看本题目是哪家公司的面试题,请参考以下免费链接: https://leetcode.jp/problemdetail.php?id=1485




另外本题与 LEETCODE 138. Copy List with Random Pointer 解题思路分析 的描述几乎完全一致,只不过将二叉树换成了链表而已。如果你已经掌握了本题的解法,强烈建议你再去做一下LEETCODE 138来加深印象。


Map<Node, NodeCopy> map=new HashMap<>(); // 存储已经访问/拷贝过的节点
public NodeCopy copyRandomBinaryTree(Node root) {
    return copy(root); // dfs递归深度拷贝

NodeCopy copy(Node root){
    if(root==null) return null;
    if(map.containsKey(root)){ // 如果当前节点已被拷贝过
        return map.get(root); // 返回拷贝过的节点对象
    NodeCopy copy=new NodeCopy(root.val); // 新建节点对象
    map.put(root, copy); // 将该对象存入Map
    copy.left=copy(root.left); // dfs递归拷贝左子节点
    copy.right=copy(root.right); // dfs递归拷贝左右节点
    copy.random=copy(root.random); // dfs递归拷贝随机节点
    return copy; // 返回copy节点


Runtime: 10 ms, faster than 29.40% of Java online submissions for Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer.

Memory Usage: 40.7 MB, less than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer.

本文链接: http://leetcode.jp/leetcode-1485-clone-binary-tree-with-random-pointer-解题思路分析/
Categories: leetcode

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